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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Make Do and Mend

make_do_and_mend I got so excited to show Brad’s new hot rod Little Tykes car yesterday that I forgot about Make Do and Mend Monday. My contribution is a tad lame this week, but it’s something that makes a noticeable difference and I appreciate it.

We have steel doors, so no nails for hanging a wreath or sign or other fun stuff on the front door. Instead, I purDSCN0826chased some really strong magnets many years ago that each have a hook on them. Lots of times you can find them in the holiday aisles with the garlands and such in December. That’s where I found mine, so they were coated in a Christmas green-colored plastic. This Christmas green stood out like a sore thumb on the door, so everything I hung on them had to be large enough to cover up the magnet. I don’t know why it took me so long, but a couple of weeks ago I peeled the plastic off the magnets and painted them the same color as the doors. I love that they blend right into the door!

Next up, something pretty to hang on that hook…

Please join Heidi and a few of my other online friends and see what other Make Do and Mend Monday projects they've accomplished. They're really inspiring!


Heidi said...

Not lame at all Tammy. This is the purpose of Make do and Mends...we get things done and make them lovely for our home, even a hook. I need to hang a nice hook on my front door. I have a hanger that drapes of the door but it damages the paint of the frame when you open and shut it. See...that is also one of those 'one day' projects which we will finish up this year. :-)

Brad's new wheels look GREAT!

Hugs from Holland ~

Susan in SC said...

I agree with Heidi! Not lame at all. I love how it blends in as well. SO much better than my brass hook over the door that I have to use. Perhaps, I need to paint it? That's a good idea. See what an inspiration you are?