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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Better Morning

It's a better morning today. I don't like that Jessi moved to North Dakota, but at least I'm not crying about it anymore. She's excited to live in a city (about the size of Lincoln) that offers more opportunities than we have around here, and has a job interview this afternoon. We will miss her terribly, and I'm already looking forward to when she comes home in a few weeks to get more of her stuff. :o)
In the meantime, I had these guys here last night. We had spaghetti for supper, and played outside awhile. Wyatt watched "Spiderman" videos on YouTube for awhile before bed, and even shared the headphones with Garett without being asked. Bedtime went fine, and Garett slept all night, not waking and crying for his Dinoco cars until almost five this morning. They just came out of the bedroom, and are already going gangbusters. :o)
Gracie should be going into surgery right about now to have her tonsils removed.

Ah, and a special treat this morning. I opened the shades in the sunroom to see this girl in the cherry tree. (I know she's a female since she doesn't have the red on her throat.) This was a wonderful start to my day.

Wyatt just brought me some "tea" with coffee and chocolate chips. Hmmm - yum?

1 comment:

Susan in SC said...

what sweet pictures of the boys and the bird! Susan in SC