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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Birthday!

I cannot believe that today is our son's 25th birthday! Nicholas Gregory was born on a Saturday at 2:42 p.m., weighing in at 8 pounds, 6 ounces. Nice size for a newborn. (His head was 14 1/2" around. Not so nice for a firstborn - I'll just let you imagine why not...)
He made us into a family.
He's grown up to be smart, funny, and hardworking, and we really enjoy spending time with him. (This photo is of the two of us in Cozumel, Mexico last week.)
Happy Birthday Nickle Pickle!! We love you!!


Susan in SC said...

Happy Birthday indeed! I hope Nick has many, many more happy birthdays and years filled with love and joy!

Barbara Allen Moore said...

Happy belated Nick! I forgot Greg's beard! OOOOOOheeee!

Rhonda said...

Happy Birthday to Nick and to you, Tammy, since you gave birth to him.

Babies grow up so fast, I can't believe my own boys are 26 and 27, yikes!

you and Greg were really cute, brand new parents.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my favorite grandson!!!